Friday, May 26, 2006

Pile Of Change Contest!

Yesterday I did it! Collected all of the change from all of my secret hiding places and hauled it all in to the bank. I started thinking to myself that just about everyone has a stash of change, and like me wonders, "How much do I have here?"

Well people, I know. The pile below was turned into paper money and now it is your job to guess how much money it was. There will be a prize of course for the person who comes the closest. I will reveal the prize and the guesses start getting posted.

Here is your first clue: This pile of change required me to pick it up in a bag with both hands and walk it stiff legged to move it around.

Second clue: It is more than you think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fact that the stash was difficult for you to lift is hardly a hot clue. I saw you prancing around in your little snow suit and it was all I could do to keep my crew from launching a din of cat calls and wolf whistles.

Judging from that amazing wardrobe faux pas, I would guess the amount to be $3.25

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