Sunday, August 27, 2006

Good To Be Home!

It was a tough 28 hours, but it's over! I made it home at around 5:00pm Boise time yesterday. I managed to shower, eat and walk the yard before I crashed at 7:30. Now, here I am at 4 in the morning rested and wondering why the rest of the world is sound asleep?

Security was quite robust as soon as I started to get on planes heading even remotely in the direction of the United States. It started in Hong Kong with a full body pat down, any carry on thoroughly searched, and then searched again before boarding the plane! I had my laptop swabbed for explosive residue, and was forced to check my Vietnam wooden ship the whole way home. The ship made it home though, with some minor damage to the stand that can easily be fixed with some Elmer's glue. All in all, I thought that the airports did a good job making sure the flights were safe and I had no worries.

It feels strange to not have humidity! For the last 2 weeks I have been perpetually wet! Humidity ran at 90 percent or higher the entire trip, often with temperatures 85 to 95 degrees. I sweated in places you didn't know could sweat. Between your fingers, top of your hands, behind your ears, they all can do it, you just need air as thick as yogurt to make it happen. It seems odd to be sitting here in the dark by an open window letting in a cool dry breeze. Hell, I even have a blanket wrapped around me! 48 hours ago I was sitting in a Hotel with the A/C set to as low as it would go, fan on high and I couldn't see out the window because of the condensation on the outside of the glass!

Mishra has been my constant companion since I arrived home and even now she appears to be proof reading everything I type. The problem is, she also reaches out with a paw from time to time pressing on the keyboard to add some extra letters. And since I have digressed into random musings, might I also mention this. Hard wood floors are living beasts! I have the window open in the dining room letting in a 55 degree breeze here at 4 in the morning. About every 5 minutes as the floor cools the contracting wood will give off a loud snap that if you don't know what it is will wake you up and cause you to walk the house looking for an intruder. I just got up from my typing and walked around on the floor to a symphony of loud pops and snaps so I can type in peace for the next half hour.

I am off to start cleaning up the next round of photos to be posted.

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