Saturday, April 17, 2010

Property Line Fiasco!

About a year and a half ago, our neighbor called me over to express his concern about an image he had viewed on the Ada County Property information website.  He walked me over to our shared property line and in the course of 10 minutes explained that he believed, based on the information provided by the county, that we were looking at a mess.  He was correct.  Here is the satellite view with our property line in yellow.

Wow, what do you think the yellow means... "I think it's supposed to be the property line!"

This Isn't Right!
At this point you may be noticing the slight issue involving the lower left corner of the lot.  That's right, they used a radius pin along the street curve thinking it was the property line marker.  This error occurred before both houses were ever built so both the neighbor and I had no idea it was wrong until he discovered the website.  We do some digging and finally end up contacting our Title Insurance provider.  After some time it was indeed verified that we had a problem and yes it was covered by insurance.

The fix has taken some time and is still ongoing.  Obviously the neighbor has bought and paid for a parcel of land that I am currently squatting on.  I have built a shop, installed a sprinkler system, a French drain system, and landscaped the entire triangle of land while not paying one cent for it.  Well, I paid for all of the improvements, I just got the land for free.

So began the quest for a resolution.  There were some wild ideas presented by the insurance company obviously working for a deal that would cost them very little.

How about this idea?

REALLY?!  You think we are going to go for this?
This grand idea to "adjust the property line" was soundly rejected by us and the neighbors.

We have submitted with Ada County this idea.

That's right, just make it the way it has been since we both moved in!  The insurance company will have to buy the land from the neighbor and we can get back to normal.  I will keep you posted as to when (and I guess it's not too certain to leave this out) and if this "fix" does the trick.  We received a letter from the county yesterday saying that they had approved the lot line adjustments so this is good news!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The visual aid makes it much more impressive!!!