Sunday, September 03, 2006


Here we are on day four of our Central American get away, and I thought I would update you on the status of our clothes. “What? We don’t need to hear about your stupid clothes!” is ringing through your head right now, but you’re going to hear it anyway. I estimate that the suitcases are gaining around a half pound a day each. All of the added weight is water, being absorbed by our laundry! Humidity; it is the constant fog that coats the outside of all the windows, it is the line of water under our room door due to a bad weather seal, it is the reason I have to leave the camera outside on the deck, so I don’t stare at a ‘DEW’ warning all day instead of taking pictures. Now all this moisture absorption is happening inside the air conditioned room, the stuff we actually wear outside our climate controlled living area is another thing completely. After awhile you start to get used to the constant sheen of sweat that ends up coating your body every time you head out into the world. There is not a dry piece of skin or clothing on you within a few minutes of leaving the sanctuary that was A/C. Now this is all well and good until you come back to your room. It starts with an “Ahhhhh.” As the cool air hits you, and then the next moment you are cold… and wet. It is 75 degrees inside and you are freezing your sweaty ass off! You wrap a blanket around yourself and pick up your book. The once flat packet of words has expanded into a sprung accordion! The cover is curled forever and it looks as if the whole thing has been fished out of the toilet and allowed to dry… almost. Not that you could read it because your glasses have fogged up from the steam rising around your neck as you warm up from the blanket. So here I sit typing this with my water glass sitting next to me on a towel, being careful not to drip the condensation on the computer when I take a drink. I am thinking you all must think this sounds awful. Nope, it’s actually quite fun, and when we eventually do get dry, it will be great! Nothing worth typing 402 words about, but nice none the less.

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