Friday, September 29, 2006
Rock Paper Scissors? Who Knew?
Little bit of background. Contrary to what you might think RPS is not simply a game of luck or chance. While it is true that from a mathematical perspective the 'optimum' strategy is to play randomly, it still is not a winning strategy for two reasons. First, 'optimum' in this case means you should win, lose and draw an equal number of times (hardly a winning strategy over the long term). Second, Humans, try as they might, are terrible at trying to be random, in fact often humans in trying to approximate randomness become quite predictable. So knowing that there is always something motivating your opponent's actions, there are a couple of tricks and techniques that you can use to tip the balance in your favour.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Blogging In The Blackout!
From what I have learned, this is the story so far. Power line snaps, falls across street, starts fire in field right in front of hotel, (I watched that part) an 8 x 8 block area then goes dark. The police block off the whole area not letting any cars in. Anyone out in the world eating dinner are now trapped on the outside of the line. I am stuck at the hotel with not a single source of light. The emergency hall and stair lights have exhausted their batteries and it is just flat black everywhere! The last estimate is that it will be at least 6 more hours until they get the lights back on. The hotel does not have any flashligts or alternate source of lighting for the guests. I don't care myself, but you know that there are people down at the front desk right now demanding their money back as I type this.
It is at this point you start to realize just how much we depend on electricity. A shudder runs through me as I try to imagine life after my cell phone goes dead! It being my only entertainment and source of light makes it pretty important right now. "Why the hell am I typing this to you guys???". "I need to save the battery for myself!"
Someone just tried their key in my door!
Well, I guess I will do the only thing left to do... Call 911 and tell them how uncomfortable I am sitting here in the dark!
Or... Go to sleep.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Alcohol 52% For Free!
This is a must have!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Changes In The Yard
The back yard has berms, plants and we watch for the grass to start growing from seed. This is the right side of the back yard.

This is a berm on the left side of the back yard.

The water feature is complete. We are going to bring in some more plants for the bed around it, sometime before winter sets in.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
A Whole Week In One Place!
The shop is complete with just a few minor touch up jobs left to do. I put up the wall racking, so Deb and I have begun to transfer all of the stuff from boxes and piles in the garage to shelves and cupboards in the shop. It will take some time to complete the move but it will be nice to finally park the cars in the garage. Here is what goes in the shop: ATV's, Waverunner, ATV trailer, utility trailer, Jeep Wrangler, and there is still room left.
The yard is done! Not sort of done, or kind of done, but really done. We watch the back yard closely as the drill seed grass is beginning to come up, and even mowed the front yard where the sod has taken hold. We intend to bring in some more plants and do some things here and there, but we will do that ourselves as landscaping can get expensive fast!
It is finally getting cool here in Idaho and no one is happier than we are. The house is sitting right at 65 degrees with no air conditioning or heat running for the last week. Of course it still has not rained a drop since we arrived in July, but you can't ask for everything! The air is finally starting to clear of smoke from all of the forest fires. We had some days that were so bad, they cancelled all out door activities for schools and public sports fields. I thought I was back in Hong Kong! It smelled like one giant camp fire outside.
I will shoot some photos of the completed shop and yard tomorrow.
The Panama Canal

We pose for this photo just moments before a big rain squall arrives.
Top of a 12 story tall set of lock doors.

Saturday, September 09, 2006
Last Night In Panama
Journey To Panama

BOI To PDX Distance 344 Miles
PDX To DFW Distance 1616 Miles
DFW To MIA Distance 1121 Miles
MIA To PTY Distance 1152 Miles
PTY To MIA Distance 1152 Miles
MIA To DFW Distance 1121 Miles
DFW To PDX Distance 1616 Miles
PDX To BOI Distance 344 Miles
Total: 8465 miles
BOI Boise [Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field], ID, US
PDX Portland [Intl], OR, US
DFW Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, US
MIA Miami [Intl], FL, US
PTY Panamá City [Tocumen Intl], PA
Looking For A Retirement Getaway?
Friday, September 08, 2006
Deb & Rick Go Native!

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Panama Update
- I had a pretty good battle last night with food poisoning. Thank goodness for modern medicine is all I can say! My stomach was a tad bit sensitive this morning and I was sleepy from being up most of the night, but I just got done cramming a ton of rice and chicken into my gut and all seems well again.
- We are scheduled to go on a tour all day tomorrow to see the Embera Indians: This is one of the most popular local day tours.This is the real thing- right out of the pages of National Geographic- an authentic, unforgettable encounter with a living Indian culture. An hour and half from Panama City, take a motorized canoe (the only means of transportation in the jungle) to ascend the river to an authentic Embera Indian village along a river bank. During your stay, the Indians will share their native foods, perform tribal dances, show you how they weave their intricate baskets and explain their way of life, culture and beliefs. We'll keep you posted.
- Deb and I are starting to get a bit worried as both of us are running low on books to read! There is just something about sitting out in the rain (under cover of course) and reading, but this has consumed our stash of reading material and there are no new sources of books in the area. Trust me, we have looked.
- After a week of travel, we have now filled a huge duffel bag with shall I say used clothes. We attempt to allow the wettest of items to dry as best they can before we stuff them into the bag, but I don't think that has helped much. Let me just say that I pity the TSA guy who gets the job of searching that bag!
- We have been visiting a tree out by the pool for several days where we have been watching a 3 toed sloth. The trouble has been that every time we go out with cameras in hand the creature is all curled up into a ball. Well yesterday was the day, we get there and Mr. (or Mrs.) sloth is hanging upside down all stretched out and smiling for the camera. I will post a photo soon.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Panama Creatures

Right at head level this leaf hung full of these wasps! Used the zoom lens on this shot I assure you!
This shot does not do this spider justice... It is huge! As big as a child's hand!
This Gecko showed up every night on our balcony.

"My what big teeth you have!" This shot took awhile to get... Since it was through a piece of glass! They have a reptile zoo at the Gamboa Lodge and this fine reptile was in a nice display there.
Gamboa Photo Flood
A Panama Photo
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The First Night In Panama
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Hola! From Panama!
Hugo de Mango (A mango smoothy) has been the taste treat of the trip for me so far, but all of the food here has been very good. The Gamboa Resort is located right on the Canal in a protected rainforest and offers beautiful unspoiled views of the jungle covered mountains in all directions.
We are heading off to dinner soon...