Thursday, September 22, 2005

Autumn Festival Comes To An End

Just finished up the Lunar Festival here in China. We had "Moon Cake" which is a thick bean curd chunk that is very rich and not very good. Everyone looks at the moon, lights a lantern and eats this cake. All of our clients want to give you a piece of this nasty cake, as most admit they are not too fond of it and would like to get rid of it. Kind of like our Fruit Cake! I bought everyone a 5 pound box each, so get ready!


MeatSlayer said...

Keep mine as you know I hate sweets. I will pon it off as the thought was there!!! Tusday here you come!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you can feed mine to your mice, perhaps use it for bait under the house as it sounds like a killer,
i run into your other half at the eye doc yesterday!!!!