NOVA | Mystery of the Megaflood | PBS
Ever wonder how the Columbia River Gorge was formed? How about that it might have happened in less than 24 hours! Very interesting read and interactive for those of us who live here and have seen the area up close.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I Am Home
Here I am home at last! I slept 9 hours right after I got off of the plane, from 9am to 6pm. I had dinner, watched some T.V. and then hit the sack at 10pm. I made it all the way until 3am and then the body just flat would not put up with it anymore!
"Get up you lazy retard!"
"Wait, I'm home now, I SHOULD be sleeping!"
"No way, It is 6pm tomorrow and time for DINNER!"
"Just let me sleep 3 more hours so I can feel like a normal person again!"
As you can see I lost this battle, and now here I sit working on the blog when you all are sleeping. Hey, the bright side is in one week I'll be in Hawaii. I can deal with that time change!
"Get up you lazy retard!"
"Wait, I'm home now, I SHOULD be sleeping!"
"No way, It is 6pm tomorrow and time for DINNER!"
"Just let me sleep 3 more hours so I can feel like a normal person again!"
As you can see I lost this battle, and now here I sit working on the blog when you all are sleeping. Hey, the bright side is in one week I'll be in Hawaii. I can deal with that time change!
600 barrels of loot found on Crusoe island
Guardian Unlimited The Guardian 600 barrels of loot found on Crusoe island: "The archipelago is named after Robinson Crusoe, but perhaps it should have been called Treasure Island.
A long quest for booty from the Spanish colonial era appears to be culminating in Chile with the announcement by a group of adventurers that they have found an estimated 600 barrels of gold coins and Incan jewels on the remote Pacific island.
'The biggest treasure in history has been located,' said Fernando Uribe-Etxeverria, a lawyer for Wagner, the Chilean company leading the search. Mr Uribe-Etxeverria estimated the value of the buried treasure at US$10bn."
A long quest for booty from the Spanish colonial era appears to be culminating in Chile with the announcement by a group of adventurers that they have found an estimated 600 barrels of gold coins and Incan jewels on the remote Pacific island.
'The biggest treasure in history has been located,' said Fernando Uribe-Etxeverria, a lawyer for Wagner, the Chilean company leading the search. Mr Uribe-Etxeverria estimated the value of the buried treasure at US$10bn."
Typing Test: Free On-line Typing Test
Typing Test: Free On-line Typing Test by TypingMaster, Inc.: "Test Your Typing Skills for Free
With the TypingMaster Online Test you can assess your personal typing skills in minutes for free - within your web browser."
With the TypingMaster Online Test you can assess your personal typing skills in minutes for free - within your web browser."
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Mount St. Helens dome still growing 1 year later News for Oregon and SW Washington Local News: "A year after Mount St. Helens awakened, steam rose from the growing lava dome Friday morning, a reminder of its eruptive past. The mountain's dome has grown 1,400 feet higher during the past year. During the past 12 months, seven explosions were seen, as well as a great deal of ash and steam."
Low Gravity and Super Slow Motion Videos
Low Gravity and Super Slow Motion Videos - Epic Empire: "Since the amazing helicopter scene in Matrix, I have been searching for super slow motion videos depicting everyday events. Dr. David G. Alciatore has compiled a collection of over 180 super slow motion video clips to satisfy anyone with a super slow motion obsession."
The 28 Hour Day
The 28 Hour Day: "Did you ever feel like there just weren't enough hours in the day? Have you ever stayed up late because you weren't tired enough to go to bed? Have you ever felt like you didn't get enough sleep and it was, too soon, time to get up? Have you ever wished for more free time to pursue different activities and goals?"
MythBusters Episodes
Encyclopedia: MythBusters Episodes: "The cast/crew of the television series MythBusters performs experiments to verify or debunk urban legends, old wives' tales, and the like. This is a list of the various myths tested on the show as well as the results of the experiments (the myth is Busted, Plausible, or Confirmed). Myth busters Adam Savage (left) and Jamie Hyneman MythBusters is an American science television program on Discovery Channel starring Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, two special-effects experts who set out to test the validity of the myths and urban legends of popular culture. ... Urban legends are a kind of folklore consisting of stories often thought to be factual by those circulating them (see rumor). ... An old wives tale is a wisdom much like an urban legend, supposedly passed down by old wives to a younger generation.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Autumn Festival Comes To An End

Just finished up the Lunar Festival here in China. We had "Moon Cake" which is a thick bean curd chunk that is very rich and not very good. Everyone looks at the moon, lights a lantern and eats this cake. All of our clients want to give you a piece of this nasty cake, as most admit they are not too fond of it and would like to get rid of it. Kind of like our Fruit Cake! I bought everyone a 5 pound box each, so get ready!
Getting Closer...

I am having some issues on the far right side of my Hong Kong Panoramic! I had to change my location where I was shooting to get all of the city. Right at the point of change the joining program starts to mess up and send the city heading up at some strange angle or down. Either way the seam is awful and I need to do some work and see if I can fix it. The photos I shot are from the ONLY clear day so far in Hong Kong, so I can't just go out and reshoot. In fact I have NEVER seen it that clear here ever! Cross your fingers. Here is the part that is working so far.
Damrey Cyclone Information
Japan Meteological Agency Tropical Cyclone Information
This one looks like it could be close. I will keep you posted.
This one looks like it could be close. I will keep you posted.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Two Sides Of Hong Kong...
Monday, September 19, 2005
Very Interesting...
Print Story - network: "Can this man save the world?
Everyone wants to cut car emissions. Sooner or later, someone will find a way to do it. Joe Williams hopes it's him."
Everyone wants to cut car emissions. Sooner or later, someone will find a way to do it. Joe Williams hopes it's him."
See... I'm Working!
The Gut Grabber!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Taking A Break
Rickshaw Drivers
On The Road

We are in Vietnam, I am riding in the back of a van on the way to a pottery factory. The man in the photo passed the van about 4 times, but each time traffic would back up in his lane and my van would pull ahead of him. Each time we passed each other I looked at him, and he looked at me. I was busy wondering what does he do each day? Where was he going? What does he think about me? I was almost embarrassed to take the photo for some reason, like I shouldn't do it. After much thought, I leaned over the back seat and shot this photo.
Newspaper Smile

This man is selling papers in Guangzhou, China. He is in 90 degree, direct sun with 80 percent humidity! As he walked the line of cars I franticly got my camera set up, but he moved fast and I almost missed him. As my camera popped up into view his head turned my way, but with the look of a tired hot man. The second he realized that I had a camera though, he flashed me this winning smile just as I took the shot.
Happy Man!
Fruit Stand

This lady was very excited to have her photo taken! This shot was taken during my stroll down a rural street in Vietnam. A large truck was coming down the road and no one would move out of its way. More people piled onto the street and the truck was moving at a snails pace. This truck took almost 20 minutes to travel one block! No one would move as hundreds of people stood and watched the show. I really enjoyed this moment as the Vietnamese were having as much fun watching me as I did watching them.
Rickshaw Relaxation...
Saturday, September 17, 2005
I'm Alive!

Finally made it to Hong Kong. I have checked into, and out of 6 Hotels in 9 days! It is very good to know that I will not have to repack my bags again until I leave to come home. This is me in Vietnam holding a Ghak fruit. Tomorrow I will be able to start updating the site again. It has been 15 hour days since this whole trip started and I have not had the will, the time, or the internet connection (remember that most U.S. internet sites including my blog, are blocked in China.) to post anything. I leave you with this photo until then.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Greetings From Vietnam...
I am now here at the airport waiting to catch a multi stop over flight to Shanghai. I find it interesting to note that the Typhoon that just missed us in Taiwan looks to hit us in Shanghai! Pretty wild time here in Vietnam, very busy, hot, humid with rain squalls throughout the day. At one point on our way to a pottery factory we had to stop due to a large traffic jam. I took the opportunity to exit the van and started shooting with my camera! Pretty wild time! Children would gather around and try to touch my stomach! Many adults and children smiling and wanting to have their pictures taken! Everyone curious and friendly. I was able to walk around for about 20 minutes while the traffic jam cleared and had the time of my life!
Plane is getting ready to leave. Will post photos soon...
Plane is getting ready to leave. Will post photos soon...
Friday, September 09, 2005
Moving On...
Good Morning from Taipei! Up at 5:30am so I can get to the airport by 9:30am to arrive in Vietnam by noon. Typhoon is too slow for my liking, so all we have outside this morning is a sky full of dark clouds and no rain yet. Now the test to see if I can actually get everything that came out of my suitcase back into it! Vietnam is a communication challenge at best, so I will probably drop off of the radar for a couple of days. Prepare for a photo flood when I connect again.
Fancy Hotel
Taiwan Emergency Procedure Drill
It started with a loud wailing siren that went through the whole city. All traffic must come to a stop and pull off of the road, and all people stand in place. Civil Police poured out of office buildings and stood on every street corner in military uniforms. I was told by a local that this is done by the army as practice for defense in the event of an invasion by China!
So for one half hour the city stood still. I shot this video with my camera just as the "All Clear" siren started up.
So for one half hour the city stood still. I shot this video with my camera just as the "All Clear" siren started up.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Emergency Procedure Drill?
Found this on my hotel room desk today.
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that an "Emergency Procedure Drill" will be held in northern Taiwan from 14:00 to 14:30 on Friday, September 9th, 2005.
If you hear the emergency alarms going off during this period of time, Please stay indoors until the drill is completed. If you are driving, please pull over to the side of the road and stay in the car.
I will keep you posted on this also.
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that an "Emergency Procedure Drill" will be held in northern Taiwan from 14:00 to 14:30 on Friday, September 9th, 2005.
If you hear the emergency alarms going off during this period of time, Please stay indoors until the drill is completed. If you are driving, please pull over to the side of the road and stay in the car.
I will keep you posted on this also.
[Typhoon Infotmation] KHANUN
[typhoon Infotmation] KHANUN Should be pretty interesting getting out of Taiwan in the morning! Starting to clould over here, (around noon right now) and get very humid. I will of course keep you posted.
Greeting From Taiwan!
Friday morning here in Taiwan! Long flight was made longer by plane troubles in PORTLAND. We left about two hours late and that caused us to miss the connecting flight in Narita, Japan. I am getting ready to head out to the first of many appointments. Sleep came in one hour chunks last night so I think tonight will be the big hard crash!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Mystery Bulge in Oregon Still Growing
Mystery Bulge in Oregon Still Growing: "A recent survey of a bulge that covers about 100 square miles near the South Sister indicates the area is still growing, suggesting it could be another volcano in the making or a major shift of molten rock under the center of the Cascade Range."
Monday, September 05, 2005
I Leave For The Far East On Wednesday...
Starting to pack for the big trip September 7th through the 27th. It all has to go into one carry-on and a backpack. I can do it!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
A Day Of Fun?
The Shed: Started out the morning by crawling under the shed and adding floor and foundation supports. It went well, with just a little dirt, bugs and crazy on my back positioning until about the third post. I just needed to get the post under the floor board, maybe if I put my shoulder under it and push... POP! I have heard this sound three times prior in my life and each time I do it the same damn way! Tore my rib from the cartilage. I must just have a crappy rib cage! So I crawl out from under the shed and press on my chest and 'yup' that's what I did. We will see how bad I did it in the morning when I get out of the bed.
The Smell: After the rib thing I took two advil while standing in the garage, that is when Deb and I noticed "The Smell." It was not the garbage smell, or the cat box smell, or a gas smell, it was something DEAD smell. I started following my nose and crawling around on my hands and knees in the garage the whole time thinking... Dead mouse. So I narrow it down to somewhere around the cat door, I get right next to the cat door and whew, that's it! Shit, a friggen mouse has crawled into the crack between the cat door and the sheetrock and died in the wall! I then think, what if the DeCon I put under the house 2 weeks ago has killed so many mice that this smell is coming from under the house! I quickly head over to a couple of foundation vents and sniff... No stink. I prepare to remove the cat door by making some room... moving some shelving racks next to the soon to be work area. There it was, dead, stinky, mouse... But not in the wall!! I gladly clean it up, spray Fabreze and let the garage air out.
The Gutters: We head to Home Depot for some screws and come home with gutters! I figure with the shed on a hill as it is, I need to do what I can to prevent water from going under it and washing out the supports holding the thing up. For about $100 bucks we have everything we need and we can channel the water away from the footing blocks. Today we mounted one side and we will finish the other tomorrow.
The Transfer: In the end we moved a ton of stuff into the shed. Here is Deb working her magic on the roto tiller.
The Smell: After the rib thing I took two advil while standing in the garage, that is when Deb and I noticed "The Smell." It was not the garbage smell, or the cat box smell, or a gas smell, it was something DEAD smell. I started following my nose and crawling around on my hands and knees in the garage the whole time thinking... Dead mouse. So I narrow it down to somewhere around the cat door, I get right next to the cat door and whew, that's it! Shit, a friggen mouse has crawled into the crack between the cat door and the sheetrock and died in the wall! I then think, what if the DeCon I put under the house 2 weeks ago has killed so many mice that this smell is coming from under the house! I quickly head over to a couple of foundation vents and sniff... No stink. I prepare to remove the cat door by making some room... moving some shelving racks next to the soon to be work area. There it was, dead, stinky, mouse... But not in the wall!! I gladly clean it up, spray Fabreze and let the garage air out.
The Gutters: We head to Home Depot for some screws and come home with gutters! I figure with the shed on a hill as it is, I need to do what I can to prevent water from going under it and washing out the supports holding the thing up. For about $100 bucks we have everything we need and we can channel the water away from the footing blocks. Today we mounted one side and we will finish the other tomorrow.
The Transfer: In the end we moved a ton of stuff into the shed. Here is Deb working her magic on the roto tiller.

My Gutter Fetish Continues!
Some Completed Supports...

Fun Under The Shed!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Leaning Tree...
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