Friday, May 20, 2005

A 41 Year Old Goes To Work...

I woke up this morning one year older than the day before. I am now over half way to 80. I think 80 is a nice round number and easy to remember... So was 40 for that matter. Do I feel older? Yea, a little, but not in a bad way. I just feel that life is stiffening up somewhat and it requires more of me to break out of the rut and enjoy myself. I can do it without any problem, but the two types of me seem further apart than they used to. By this stage in your life it seems that you can put up a wall against the responsibilities and stresses of life, but if you stand on your tippy toes you can still just see over it. Deb and I were discussing going back in time and being certain ages gone by. We finally decided that now was as good as any, and that each point in your life has it's merits. It has been a busy but good year of my life and I am sure that the next year will be full of more of the same. Hmmm, one other point. As I was proof reading this entry I thought that at no other time had I every actually thought about how I felt on my Birthday. Sure, I felt hungry, sleepy, cranky, but never this whole deep thought, what have I done with my life, what does the future hold, bit. Is this mid life crises?
Will I need Viagra soon? How long until I meet my friends every morning to read the paper, and drink a cup of coffee at McDonald's? Whooa! I just got dizzy there for a sec! Well I am now done thinking about the 41 thing and I am now heading off into my day with the goal of making it to 42! I still wonder to myself though as the years add up... How much better can one man look!


David Zinger said...

Hey Rick,
40 is tough but there is also 50. If yu think you will need Viagra we just found out a Russian pilot tried to smuggle 200,000 pills into Canada. As someone from Manitoba, just above North Dakota...I was amazed at my skill with North Dakota Tetris.Thanks for the link.

MeatSlayer said...

I checked out zingers blog... very nice. Kinda makes me want to write more in mine.