Happy New Year!
Friday, December 31, 2004
Thursday, December 30, 2004
We Have An Offer!
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
LavNav Toilet Night Light
Beyond its obvious value for use in your home, the LavNav also provides an ideal solution for RV's and motorhomes, portable restrooms, and yachts and other boats having living quarters attached."
What Are The Odds?
Spirit, which had to stop to dislodge a rock, is still climbing the "Columbia Hills". It's tough going, and Spirit experiences slippage of up to 80% as it climbs the hills."
Tsunami Information:
Sunday, December 26, 2004
The Holidays
1) Drive at least 4+ hours in one day. Bonus points for heavy fog and rain in the dark. Double Bonus Points if you tell your spouse that they are not doing their job as a passenger by not creating stimulating conversation or worse yet closing their eyes and maybe even taking a nap!
2) Communicate with a difficult person. This includes: Boring conversation, a one sided conversation, a story you heard last year or every Holiday, any type of story about that persons children or anyone with a voice that involves more nose than thoat. Bonus points for leaving the conversation and shooting 'The Look" at your spouse, showing that you are about ready to snap. Double Bonus Points for avoiding that person for the rest of the function or for leaving early.
3) Eating food on paper plates. Bonus points for having to bend the plate into a 'U' shape to increase its' load bearing capacity. Double Bonus Points for having to be told to use the plates and not just stand in front of the table and forage right out of the serving plates.
4) Having to watch some cheesy home video made by someone who thinks they are Steven Spielberg just because they own a video camera. Bonus points if you had to watch it more than once. Double Bonus Points if you manage to have to use the rest room during the showing and slip out.
5) Having to keep one Christmas get together from the other Christmas get together because you know the two parties would never get together. Bonus points if at some point you mention something that screws up the timeline but then put it back together with no one figuring out you messed up. Double bonus points if you think you fooled them but you didn't. (You'll never know... you might as well get some points for it, right?")
6) Dropping some type of food or liquid on the host carpet or floor and making a half hearted attempt to discretely clean it up. Bonus Points if the said food falls from a 'U' shaped plate. Double Bonus Points if didn't try to clean it up but just did the side to side look to see if anyone else saw and seeing that no one did you just walk on.
7) Calculating in your head the known value of your gift to them versus your preceved value of their gift to you. Bonus Points if your gift kicked their gifts' ass! Double Bonus Points if your gift was much cheaper than it looks or re-gifted from the 'secret' get together from #5.
8) Doing 'just a little' snooping while using the bathroom or walking to the bathroom. Bonus Points for reading any prescription bottles. Double Bonus Points for using any holiday decoration for drying your hands.
9) Watching someone save all of the bows and refold wrap, "You know, for next year." Bonus Points for ripping the person doing the saving. Double Bonus Points if you normally do it too, but since your not doing it now, you act like you never do it.
10) Taking an awful digital photograph of someone, showing them the photograph because you know it's awful, having them beg for you to delete it, telling them you will and even going through the motion of doing it but don't so you can use it against them later. Bonus Points if you know who you are. Double Bonus Points if you did the same thing to me!
Disclaimer: The above 10 items are put together as a joke and in no way represent my joyful holiday get togethers. It is not my intention to upset or offend anyone in anyway. ...but, Oh MAN! did my gift kick your gifts' ass!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Sunday, December 19, 2004
The Computer That Would Not Live.
So the plan was hatched. I had a nice Dell case, 400 MHz Pentium 2, 196 megs of RAM, 8 Gig Hard disk, 4x burner, and all of the little things that would make a decent internet surfer, non-gamer, utility rig. Just what my sister needed. I lovingly gathered all of the parts and began building what I thought would be a 2-3 hour job. I was wrong.
Open it up, clean it out, hook up the drives, connect the cables, clear the CMOS, close her up, plug her in, and push the power button. Floppy drive does a head seek... and does not stop! It sounds like a jackhammer and I can acutally feel the vibrations through the case. I kill the power and reverse the IDE cable. In other words... My fault. Second power up, RAM check freezes in mid stride. Kill the power and reseat the RAM. Third power up, no devices detected, none. Tear it apart, reseat everything, re-run the cables, try again... You starting to get the idea? This continues for a long time with many strange events with no rhyme or reason.
I am now on my 3rd hour and I just got the thing to boot up and have started to install the operating system on it... and the CD-ROM dies! That is okay because a have another one. DEAD! Three hours gone, have to go and buy a new CD-ROM drive tomorrow, and this thing is supposed her friggen Christmas present. So much for the easy computer build. Fruit cake is starting to sound a whole lot easier!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
This One Hits Close To Home
Yea For Internet! Boo For Inflight Cell Phones!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Site Of The Month!
Welcome to SeatGuru.com, the ultimate source for airplane seating and in-flight services information.
• Do you want a seat with extra legroom? A seat with a non-restricted recline? A seat that is extra quiet?
• Would you like to compare the First Class, Business Class and Coach Class seat pitch and seat width of different airline carriers?
• Are you traveling for business and need to know which airplanes have laptop power at your seat and what type of adapter you'll need?
• Have a long flight and want to know what type of in-flight entertainment is featured on your flight and what movies are playing this month?
High Tea At The Empress!
High Tea At The Empress!
Originally uploaded by Richard Whitten.
A shot from the archives offered as a replacement for lack of good photo opportunity during todays journey.
Stopped By The House Last Night...
I am typing this from the Rogue Regency in Medford, Oregon. A lovely meal from Taco Bell and I am now tucked away in my room working on the blog. The whole world must be working on their blogs, as the site is very slow tonight. I was going to take a photo today on my way down but since the leaves have now fallen off of all the trees and it was smoggy there were no good shots to be had. I'll go dig up an old one from the archives.
Special Offers Inside LOTR Extended Version...
1) For $3.00 you can get an Extended Version Slipcase. This case will hold all three extended version DVD's in one box. Offer ends March 31, 2005.
2) If you purchased the first release of the movie 5 months back you can get a $5.00 rebate since you bought the extended version. Offer ends March 31, 2005.
I ordered the slip case, and will turn in the rebate next. Now what to do with my left over $2.00?
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Locked Out...
Friday, December 10, 2004
It has been a week!
We have had someone look at the house each and every day since putting it up for sale 7 days ago. We wonder what people coming through say, think, and look at. It is a strange thing to have someone come and look at your stuff while you are gone at work! The cats know all of this of course, but won't tell us.
This week at the new house the kitchen and bathroom cabinets went in. We picked out all of the flooring and carpet and such last weekend so it will not be long until that all starts going in. We are trying to stay calm and not get too excited as the deal is not done yet. When our house sells it will be a good day with much celebration!
Well I am off to play online.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Monday, December 06, 2004
The Joy Of Home Selling
This fine duo of stories comes in two parts:
Part One - ‘The Key’
We arrive home from doing errands and buying groceries today and begin unloading the Jeep into the kitchen. We are both ready to be done, ready to just hang out for the rest of Sunday and maybe watch a movie. Deb and I pass each other a couple of times in the garage as we make trips back and forth from the Jeep to the kitchen counter. I enter the garage with the last load and find Deb standing in front of the door into the house with a look on her face, “Did you lock the door?” “No, I’ve just been hauling stuff back and forth.” “The doors Locked and my keys are on the counter.” Says Deb. So we both remember the emergency key we have stashed in the garage for this very reason! And then we remember me giving that key to the real estate lady for the lock box! Crap! Now we are hosed. No key, food inside the house the needs to go in the fridge, no car keys to drive for help, my cell phone is almost dead and might be able to make one more call. Thinking. Who will it be? Janet the lady who cleans our house! I call, she’s there, and says she will drive the key over! Whew, thank goodness that is over, now we can get to relaxing…
Part Two – “We’d like to show your house’
So now we spread out, doing laundry, pay the bills, I tear out the cat door to clean it, thinking about changing into my pajamas and then the phone rings, we don’t hear it because we are working on messing up the house just a little bit more. “I would like to show your house in the next hour and a half if that is okay… click” Deb hears the ‘beeb’ of the answering machine and listens to the message, we are not happy! We stop everything, clean up the whole house, and head out into the world for the next hour and a half. We do a whole lot of nothing as we imagine what it would be like to just be sitting on our butts at home. Two hours later we get home but there is not the required card from the home sales person on the counter. What’s up? We wanna be home! Deb calls the lady and asks if she has been to the house or is still coming? “Oh, what’s your address? Ahhh, no we didn’t make it there cuz it got dark.” Wow, that must have been a big surprise when it got dark like that!
The above stories took up 3 hours but is seemed much longer than that. I feel better now.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Sites Still Under Attack!
Switched To A New Photo Host
Originally uploaded by Richard Whitten.
As I set here in the dark at 3:00am I dream of being out in the woods somewhere tooling around in the Jeep with no top!
Volcano Is Washington States's Biggest Polluter
The volcano spews 50 to 250 tons of sulfur dioxide into the air each day. That compares with about 120 tons a day from all the state's industries combined."
Friday, December 03, 2004
Happy Birthday Loren!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
TiVo Is The Future... Accept It!
Pending - Off Market!
The future home of the Whitten's is now on hold awaiting the sale of our current residence.
Check Your Credit History...
Sometimes Free IS Better.
'The Swarm' 2 Is Almost Here!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Home Update...
Settled on a deal with the builder that gives us a 3 month guarantee for first rights to buy with no possible bump in position on the new house. The upside of the deal is, as long as we sell our current house in the next three months our new house will be waiting for us off the market and locked so no one else can buy it out from under us. The downside is, if we screw up and can not sell our house or back out of the deal in any way the $3000 bucks we gave the builder to hold the house becomes his! So cross your fingers... or, come buy the house!
Our current house is now up for sale! I arrived home today to a large "For Sale" sign in the front yard. Tommorow I am told we will have our first walk through with an interested party. The upside of this deal is if we sell the house we are one step closer to moving into the new one. The downside is, I now have to make the bed every morning and pick up my underwear off of the floor!
Saturday we go and pick out all of the internal organs of the new house. This includes, Carpet, Wood Flooring, Light Fixtures, Appliances, Molding around the Fireplace, and some other stuff I am sure. The upside is, we get to spend hours picking out just the right parts for our dream home. The downside is, we get to spend hours picking out just the right parts for our dream home.
That's it for now. Well, it is off to make some Mac & Cheese and Kool-Aid... The new rule is: Buy a new house, step back a decade in the quality of your dinner!
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Been Looking At A House...
Friday Morning: Deb hit the internet and we started looking for houses and land that fit our desires. We want at least 5 acres, trees, privacy, and a little larger house. We hit the road, and by 1:00pm had visited 7 sites. Some were just houses sitting out in 5 acres of perfectly flat, treeless land. Others were very nice houses, but were older and we wanted new construction. One was a good posibility, trees, private, 5 acres, but was way up in Ridgfield, and there was a really rough road to get there. There were two houses that we just could not find however, and we really wanted to see those too.
Friday Afternoon: We feel that continuing the hunt without making sure we can do anything about it is not wise, and we call Countrywide and get pre-approved for a home loan. We also contact a realtor and ask for a list from her, of homes that fit our profile. Her list matches our list almost perfectly and also includes the two mystery location homes we had failed to find earlier in the day.
Friday Evening: We set out again to find the two last homes. Using the GPS we manage to finally find these two homes that are side by side in Brush Prairie. In the fading light we find the house we want! Both homes are being built by the same builder, both about the same size, and both on long 5 acre lots with frontage with Salmon Creek. One great! The other, "Not so sure." We get home and talk the rest of the night... is this really what we want to do, are we really ready, does this house warrant all of the change we are about to bring onto ourselves? Sleep does not come easy this night.
Saturday Morning: Meet with Loren and head out to the three final contenders. We hit the two side by side and in the good light really start to fall in love with 'The One.' We walk the property line all the way down to Salmon Creek and really give both locations a good look over. We then head back up the the Ridgefield property and seeing it again does not inspire us. We deside that the Brush Prairie house is the one we really want.
Saturday Afternoon: Worry starts to set in we begin to invest ourselves in this decision. Will someone else buy the house before we can get this all figured out? How long do we have to put this all together before the whole thing falls apart? We decide to meet with the realitor Sunday to make an offer on the house.
Sunday Morning: We meet with the realitor and make an offer on the house. We are prepared to put our house up for sale, but decide to wait to see if our offer is accepted before doing so. Our purchase of the new house would be contingent on the sale of our current house, and if the builder did not want to wait for us, there was no reason to put ours up for sale. Much paper work later we were set, just have to wait for word back from the builder.
Sunday Noon: We pick up Bob and Nora and head out the the house to show them, and we knew if we'd gone crazy they would tell us. When we arrive, there are, for the first time other people looking at the houses. This does not feel good to me as I am concerned that they will buy the house before the builder even gets to see our offer. It turns out that one of the visiters actually is the builder and he is showing the houses. We spend quite awhile talking to the builder and he says we are the first and only offer and he seems to be a very nice guy. We talk about the house and the property and we leave the site feeling pretty good about our chances.
Sunday Night: We head back over to the house with Ray and Juli and show them the house for the first time. They seem to like it and I take some photos while the dream of this working out takes hold of me. Deb and I are both tired and feel sleep will come tonight due to sheer exhaustion. So much for the restful 4 day weekend!
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I Made It!
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Dome Growing Fast...
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Call Me.
P.S. - In case you aren't familiar with ringback tones (and believe us, you will be very soon), they're basically customized audio clips that callers hear when they dial your number instead of the usual ringing sound."
Woot! Site Of The Month!
"What is woot and who's behind it?
woot.com is an online store and community run by the employees of a 10 year old consumer electronics distributor that focuses on close-outs and generally buying stuff cheap. Since the distributor doesn't sell to end users, Woot, Inc provides us with an employee-store slash market-testing type of place. Hopefully the boss won't take notice. We anticipate profitability by 2043 -- by then we should be retired; someone smarter might take over and jack up the prices.
I see only 1 item, do you sell anything else?
No. We sell 1 item per day until it is sold out or until 11:59pm central time when it is replaced (see next entry for details). However, each item we sell is in stock and ready to ship that day. Our warehouse manager thinks we are insane.
What is the schedule for new items?
OK - this is simpler than it sounds: A new product is released at 12am central time Monday through Friday mornings (if you are not a morning person, this can be described as Sunday - Thursday at midnight. better?) Friday's product will last through the weekend unless we sell out. If a product sells out during it's run, a new item will not appear until the next release time. You will know if a product is sold out, because the main page says 'SOLD OUT' instead of 'I want one'. (clever, eh?)
I missed yesterday's item, can I get one still?
No. Each woot.com product is discontinued at 11:59 central time monday-thursday and sunday. We may get more at a later date if we're lucky, but we offer no guarantees, we allow no backorders, and we have no waiting / notification lists. Too bad."
Amazing Deals! If you can stay up until 10:00pm that is - Rick
Get On The Ground!
P.S. The burger and frys, though alittle cold were still good.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
An AOL Trial Disk Has Beat Them There!
Now This One Could Piss Me Off...
And On The Eighth Day...
For that the Bastard WILL PAY!From this moment on his name will not be spoken in the city of Vacaville, and any who utters it shall have his tongue cleaved from his festering hole! I swear by this, and will uphold it until I breathe my last breath! May his meaty soul writhe in pain as he sleeps in his soft bed next to his woman while I once again I fall to sleep on the doorstep to HELL.... Vacaville, California. There, I'm over it!
Well, I am off to do some reading and see what the Woot! of the day is.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Vacaville, Sweet Vacaville!
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Hey Baby, Got A Light?
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Say That 10 Times Fast...
Oh, You'll Love California!
If you are going to run Wi-Fi in your hotel, at least make the signal strong enough to reach the friggen desk in my room!Oh, and why does every light in the place have different kind of switch to turn it on and off? So, at night when I need to get up and address the above mentioned gift it takes me an extra 15 seconds of fumbling to get the light on? And... what is a man or woman to do if he or she wants to eat his or her take out food in front of the TV? How about the super high tech idea of a TV Tray? No, it is much better for me to try and balance all of this stuff in my lap while I sit at the edge of my bed squinting at my 15 INCH SCREEN WATCHING 13 FRIGGEN CHANNELS while catsup drips down the front of my SHIRT!!!
Now, I am sure that all of you sitting in your own homes right now, reading this entry of my blog, are starting to wonder about my mental health. I'm fine, don't worry about me... much.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Great For The Nerdary!
Things That Make You Go Hmm.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Attacking The Pile...
Saturday, November 06, 2004
I Want One!
I've got a protrusion for ya!
Good Deed Done!
Deb wanted to adopt her, but I figured this would be very hard on our 2 cats that are now almost 10 years old. So Deb went to plan B and proposed to her new employer that the City of Happy Valley needed a cat! They accepted, "City Kitty" was moved to her new home, visited by a vet, and now will be the mouse hunter for the office space. Just thought you should know.
Friday, November 05, 2004
The Glory Of A Day Off!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
DVD's That Can Take A Licking!
The Time Change Blues
As a child... hell... 3 years ago, I could sleep until noon, wake up for a 5000 calorie meal and hit the sack again two hours later. I would then wake up the next day with a tan, a new car and not a care in the world. Now, things are not quite the same, I wake up at 3 in the morning with the thought of 'did I rotate the tires in the last 3 months?' or, 'My leg hurts, it must be from sleeping WRONG!' Sleeping WRONG? How the hell do you sleep WRONG?
After 40 however, I can't even do that right!Sleeping is so simple that they don't even include instructions with the mattress!
Well, I am off to try my hand at the art of sleep again... wish me luck!
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Dremel Tool Pumpkin Carving Anyone?
TerraServer... find your house!
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Yup, It's Still Doing That Volcano Thing
Here Kitty Kitty!
My Mailbox
Today, however it was stuffed with political shit!I count 11 individual pieces of political attack mail, (all of it shiney and eye catching) indicating that the other guy is a monster turd, and should not be elected! I was lucky to get some of the same stuff twice, once to me and once to Deb. One was a full blown pamphlet by a guy who starts out his pitch by saying that he is a Billionare! I seem to remember running into him at the gas station or maybe the Burger King where I must have given him my address! Anyway, since I already took a crap today and have used up all of my reading time, I chucked probably close to 20 dollars worth of direct mailing into my recycle bin. That reminds me, I better figure out who I'm going vote for soon!
Sunday, October 24, 2004

This is a great new tool from Microsoft XP PowerToys! It is called Virtual Desktop Manager. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/

HD TiVo Rocks!
And what a fantastic job they did!
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Computer room is back in shape!
Alright, I saw an opportunity to clean the inside of my computer. Since the entire room was trashed, and I needed a break from real work so I cleaned the bad boy within an inch of its life. My Antec case has always had 2 USB and 1 FireWire port under a flap at the front, however I have never hooked them up. The problem was that the wires were all set up for separate pins and I couldn’t get my fat hands to the places on the motherboard to plug them in! I felt a pleasant calm wash over my body as I completed the vacuuming portion of my cleaning and I decided to try the wires and get the connections done once and for all. It worked. I must say that deciding what expensive item to plug into those ports for the first time to see if they worked or emitted a small puff of stinky blue smoke was not easy. I decided that a USB dongle was the cheapest item to risk on that port, and when forced to choose between the video camera and the iPod for the IEEE1394 the camera got the nod. No smoke, all worked, just thought you should know.
Furniture HELL!
The desktop is eight feet long instead of seven!I make the call to Oak Unlimited and they wont have a 7 foot version until Monday! Oh, and they close the warehouse for pick-up at 4:30pm! So, to recap, the house is trashed, I have to return the 8 foot long sheet, pick up the 7 foot one and do it all before 4:30pm. Hey, since I just friggen work for a living and have all of the time in the world I'll do that...
Because I Don't Have A Choice Now, Do I.I am off to put the house back together.
Eat in peace: cellphone-free zones popping up at restaurants?
Friday, October 22, 2004
Stranger Things Have Happened...
5:00pm - Security man is assigned to shuttle V.I.P. to airport pronto as the financial well being of the entire corporation hinges on him getting back to his division for a very important meeting! (With his bed!) Guy has worked for the company one week and had no real idea of my true importance, which must be why I listened to Rap music for an hour on the way to the airport. Before departing, I was wisked to the Hampton for a short goodbye that consisted of a power packing job that will probably render some of my clothes wrinkled for life.
6:30pm - Arrive at the airport and find that the flight will be delayed due to thunderstorms around Las Vegas. I make my way through security and end up having my back pack almost taken apart! I get a smoothy, a computer magazine and take a seat in the loading area.
8:40pm - Flight should begin loading (they say) in 10 minutes, though I see no plane yet. I have the magical 'A' ticket and procure a spot in line. A woman falls in behind me and parks her dumb self about 4 inches off of my butt even though there is a TON of room for all of us to stand. I can not even reach back to grab my phone without hitting her! So, I hit her. Repeatedly I bump, graze, look over my shoulder, sway into, step back into this lady to no avail! She does not even begin to understand!
9:20 - Board the friggen plane.
10:45 - Arrive in San Jose where they have held the connecting flight to Portland. Out of one plane and into another. As I take my seat in the new plane the guy behind me begins to bitch out loud, thanking ME for delaying his flight! His wife is begging him to stop while he proclaims that he has flown over 100 times THIS MONTH on Southwest and that they are NEVER on time! A large male flight attendent calmly walks up to him and tells him that one more word will result in him being escorted off of the plane! He shuts up, and his wife mentally caluculates how many years will pass before he will get to see her naked again.
12:10 am - Arrive at PDX! Get bags, make way to long term parking lot via the shuttle bus. I do the usual panic attack as I really hope the shelter number I wrote down is the right one.
12:40 am - Climb into bed and pass out.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I have arrived!
The rain hit Southern California with a vengence today! The streets ran like rivers and standing water was everywhere! The new store did not fair well as buckets and trash cans dotted the floor. At one point water was coming down the walls in several places and even took out the intercom system. People just flat don't like rain here! The trend for the day was to take our plastic bags and fasion them into rain hats and race across the parking lot as if the store was about to blow up! I strode out into the rain with the confidence of a person who might have seen a rain drop or two in his life. This caused many to openly weep at my powers, and I began to lay hands on some as I made my way to the car.
One man was heard to shout: "You're Shitten Me!" I entered the car with a great feeling of pride that I could bring an end to the needless suffering in this part of the world.I brought sight to the blind, bowel movements
to the constipated, and provided directions to
the nearest Radio Shack for old people who wanted
a new computer so they could type to their grand children.
I now must move aside the 4 friggen pillows and enter my bed for the evening. It should be nice.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Just got done having a 3 way!
I am off to bed to prepare my mind for another day with JimUNDA!
Internet Phone That Rocks!
Skype is for calling other people on their computers or phones. Download Skype and start calling for free all over the world."
Was he watching 'Survivor?'
What? I can't here you! I'm spooling up the engine in my 12.3Ghz Pentium 9 Laptop!
Whooo Hoooo!
I picked up my laundry today and everything was ready but the Socks and underwear!
"I feel funny, like when I climb the rope in gym class."They said that someone would drop them by the hotel tonight. I am starting to get a teency bit nervous as it is quickly coming on 7:00pm and I am still looking at the last 2 pair of clean un's I own, shivering in the corner of my suitcase. I do a quick mental calculation, and with the front, back, inside, outside time tested emergency underwear usage guidelines as taught in grade school, (while the girls were watching their video on periods) I have only 8 days left until I'm in REAL trouble. Pray for a knock at my door! Do it for the children!
Time to get the food thing rolling.
Monday, October 18, 2004
I'm back!
The opening was a soft one and that was good for my feet but hard on the clock.
I am off to do some reading.