Saturday, December 30, 2006
New High Resolution Photo Vault
What Wii Got For Christmas
Nintendo Wii Game Montage |
We have had this machine since a week before Christmas and I must say it is fun! The only reason you stop playing is because you are physically exhausted. The console comes with the game Wii Sports and if you never bought another game for it, you would still get your $250 dollars worth. It is almost impossible to play the Wii sitting down as you want to get up and have free movement of your arms. You dodge, twist, lean, flail, and generally look ridiculous to whoever is watching. But you don't care!

The console is small and easy to hook up.
The controllers come in two pieces. Right hand holds the Wii-mote. This is the one everybody is saying ends up stuck in your television screen or your spouses head. I have no idea how these people are doing this! I always put on the wrist strap and have not had a single close call. As a side note: I currently have 2 of the newer, tougher wrist straps coming free from Nintendo.
The left hand holds the Nunchuck. This part is not required for all games and can be unplugged when not in use. These two parts will work in either hand by the way.
Well there you have it. Get up, go out, and get one of these. You won't be sorry.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Typo Takes Tourist 13,000 km Out
Dressed for the Australian summer in T-shirt and shorts, Tobi Gutt left Germany on Saturday for a four-week holiday.
Instead of arriving "down under", Gutt found himself on a different continent and bound for the chilly state of Montana.
"I did wonder but I didn't want to say anything," Gutt told the Bild newspaper. "I thought to myself, you can fly to Australia via the United States."
Gutt's airline ticket routed him via the U.S. city of Portland, Oregon, to Billings, Montana. Only as he was about to board a commuter flight to Sidney -- an oil town of about 5,000 people -- did he realize his mistake.
The hapless tourist, who had only a thin jacket to keep out the winter cold, spent three days in Billings airport before he was able to buy a new ticket to Australia with 600 euros in cash that his parents and friends sent over from Germany.
"I didn't notice the mistake as my son is usually good with computers," his mother, Sabine, told Reuters.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Diabetes Breakthrough
Top 10 Gadgets for the Filthy Rich
Arrowrock From Space!
Long Wind Storm

The high gust so far has been 32 mph with it blowing pretty steadily at 21 mph. All of this just creates a low background howl that ebbs and flows.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
She's Up... Sorta.
Beginning The Task
The MegaPenny Project
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Light Snow Is Currently Falling
... Snow Advisory remains in effect until 3 am MST Sunday... A Snow Advisory remains in effect until 3 am MST Sunday. Light snow showers this afternoon will give way to a short period of moderate snow early tonight. The Treasure valley will receive1 to 3 inches while the Owyhee Mountains will receive 3 to5 inches. The snow will taper off from the west in the pre-dawnhours Sunday.
A Snow Advisory means that periods of snow will cause primarilytravel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads andlimited visibilities... and use caution while driving.
Snow Arrives In Kuna!

We are looking at about 3 inches of super powder snow. When the wind blows (and you know it does just about every day) the snow piles up in drifts around rocks, and walls.

The water feature has been shut down due to bad weather. We anticipate this ride starting up again in March!

I got out and shoveled the driveway thrusday night. Yup, I'm pretty sore!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Please Let It Be Whale Vomit!
Inside she found what looked like a gnarled, funky candle but could actually be a huge hunk of petrified whale vomit worth as much as $18,000.
Mount St. Helens Erupts, Spewing Steam, Ash Into Washington State Sky
Saturday, December 16, 2006
In A Land With No Trees...

Here is the answer to the age old question, "Where do I hang a bird feeder if I don't have any trees?" This fine feeding station is the Wild Birds Unlimited Advanced Pole System. It is kind of like a lego system for feeding birds. We put it up, filled it, and now we wait for some bird to wander by, eat, and then go tell some friends. Until then, I will place a bet in my head as too how it will fair against the next big wind.
Northwest Storm Leaves 1.5M in the Dark
Friday, December 15, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Huashan Mountain In Xian, China
Let's Take A Short Stroll In This Chinese National Park!
Note: The padlocks are a Chinese tradition. Lovers will hike up the side of the mountain and write their names on the side of a padlock. They then lock it onto the hand rail chain, this act is followed by throwing the key off of the ledge. This is supposed to symbolize that they will never be separated. Now, if they can just make it down the mountain ALIVE!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Distribution of Families in the US
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Stop Motion Music
Weber Flame

15 Degrees & The Hot Tub

Saturday, December 02, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Smiling Shouldn't Be A Chore
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Go Ahead... Eat It!
"As God Is My Witness, I Thought Turkeys Could Fly"
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
HD-DVD vs Blu-ray: The format war explained
Your Papers Please
And for the 73 percent of Americans who don't have a valid passport, it's time to get with the program because everyone will need one as identification by Jan. 1, 2008, when it will be required for international land and sea travel as well as air.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Why Music Gives Us the Chills
Composers play with subtle, intricate changes and rates of change to try and elicit emotion. In recent studies, scientists found that people already familiar with the music are more likely to catch a chill at key moments:
- When a symphony turns from loud to quiet
- Upon entry of a solo voice or instrument
- When two singers have contrasting voices
Monday, November 20, 2006
U.S. is most unfriendly country to visitors, survey says
Rude immigration officials and visa delays keep millions of foreign visitors away from the United States, hurt the country's already battered image, and cost the U.S. billions of dollars in lost revenue, according to an advocacy group formed to push for a better system.
To drive home the point, the Discover America Partnership released the result of a global survey on Monday which showed that international travelers see the United States as the world's worst country in terms of getting a visa and, once you have it, making your way past rude immigration officials.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
VHS, Dead at 30
Once a groundbreaking media format, VHS has been suffering from loneliness for several years now and died of natural causes in 2006 survived by DVD, TiVo, VOD and DirecTV.
Consumers can continue to morn the passing of VHS by purchasing a piece of history at Toys'R'Us where you can still purchase "Barney" video tapes or you can find a multitude of VHS tapes at eBay.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Here's Why You Hate Mondays
A new study has found that lazy Saturday and Sunday lie-ins can disturb your body clock, leaving you fatigued at the start of the week.
How Rich Are You?
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The 10 Best (and 10 Worst) Companies for Customer Service
Click title to read article.
Are You Tone Deaf?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Google Earth: Major Update
Welcome to the newest beta of Google Earth (release 4). Since our last release (on September 13th, 2006), we have made many improvements. We have improved icon management by creating a new icon palette, added line and polygon drawing tools to our free product, added the ability to print search results and placemarks, made it easier to select icons that are overlapping, and much more. For Google Earth Pro subscribers, the premium modules are now free (up to a $600 value) and included in the basic annual subscription price.
New features (as of November 1st, 2006))
Drawing Tools: The path and polygon drawing tools are now available in the free product. You can easily sketch figures on the imagery for richer annotations and can share these overlays as KML or KMZ files. These features can be accessed from the toolbar.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
There's A New Skyscraper In The Works!
Full Info
Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments II - The Domino Effect
The guys from EepyBird are back, with 251 bottles of Diet Coke and over 1,500 Mentos mints. In Experiment #137, they did a mint-powered version of the Bellagio fountains. This time, it's one giant Coke & Mentos chain reaction that has to be seen to be believed. Keywords: eepybird eepy bird mentos coke diet coke mentos experiment fountain soda science geyser experiments fountains geysers |
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Jerky Time!

Deb did 99 percent of the "Jerky Squirting" but all of the photos I have of her don't include her head. So, you get me instead.
Pop your extruded raw beef and seasonings into the oven for the next 4 hours and enjoy the smell!
It's Jerky Time! I used the scissors to cut the strips into snack size pieces. I know, "How does it taste?" you ask. Tender and very tasty!
New Weather Station

Ever since Deb and I rode out the big wind storm in August, we have both been thinking it would have been nice to actually know how hard the wind was blowing. Not the wind speed in Boise, or Kuna mind you, but exactly how hard was the wind blowing right here at the house. So when we saw the La Crosse WS-2308U Professional Weather Center at Costco for only $99 dollars, we grabbed it. Buying it turned out to be the simple part. As you can see the outside setup was a little involved. Getting the device to "talk" to the computer turned out to be the easiest part. After that it was time to get our system to upload all of this new collected data to the website Weather Underground.
The system consists of all the goodies in the photo above and a receiving station inside the house that wirelessly gathers data from the sensors located in the back yard. This receiving station is connected to the computer where software logs all of the data and stores it in a history file. While all of this is happening a second program also processes the weather information and uploads it to the web.
We actually have had the weather station for almost a month but lacked the time or will to do the big set up. Last week, another one of those "We haven't had a wind storm like that in years!" prompted us to drag the pieces out of the box and set it up. Oh no, we didn't do what your viewing in the photo above. You see I couldn't, it was 9:00pm at night, the wind was howling, so Deb sent me out onto the deck with some zip ties! After way too many trips out into the gale we could at least tell you the wind speed: 30-33 miles per hour sustained, and a 41 mph gust!
Well the station is up and running, and again just in time:
... Change of airmass bringing cold conditions Monday and Tuesday...
A cold front will move through southeast Oregon and southwest Idaho tonight bringing gusty winds and cold air in behind it. High temperatures will be 15 to 25 degrees colder on Monday than they were today. A chilly northwest wind behind the front will make it feel even colder. Winds diminish Monday night allowing temperatures to drop sharply. Low temperatures Tuesday morning will be the coldest so far this fall... With some locations in Baker County and the west central and Boise Mountains approaching record lows. After Tuesday temperatures will gradually moderate through the week.
Part Of Weather Underground
Our New Back Yard!

One of the hardest parts of leaving our Battle Ground property was loosing the 4+ acres of wild right off the back of the house. It made riding our quads more than convenient. When all you had to do was drive out of the garage and turn the corner, there was no excuse for not riding when ever you felt like it. I knew when we sold, we would never see anything like that again. Turned out I was wrong!
After deciding on our new house in Kuna, Deb and I started exploring our new territory. At some point we noticed a truck with 2 ATV's packed in the back heading down a road that seemed to go nowhere. We were sure it was some farmer heading home but then we saw another truck hauling dirt bikes on the same road. We decided to follow. Well it turned out we just so happened to move about as close to a HUGE network of riding trails as we possibly could have.
It could not have been better, it was only 8 miles from the house! All we had to do was load the quads on the trailer, haul them over there and start to ride. It was at that point I started to think about the railroad tracks. Tracks by the house, tracks by the trailhead. Hmmmm, I wonder?
So yesterday we drove the quads out of the shop, out of the neighborhood and down the road to the train tracks. There was an overgrown dirt road running along side of it. Would it continue the whole way? It sure did! It turns out to be 7 miles each way to the trailhead where we have hundreds of miles of riding available in all directions.
So, the only thing that has changed is this. We went from 4 acres to hundreds of miles, but we can still drive straight out of the garage to do it! Not too bad.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
What's Up?
Cat Door: For the third time in my life I have had the pleasure of sawing through a wall or door to install a cat door. This time it was through the wall and out to the garage. The job took about 2 hours and included some cursing and phrases like: "That will be okay, the molding will cover it." and "See Deb, the problem is that the house is not straight!" An interesting note is, during the entire install Mishra layed on the floor about 6 feet from all of the action. When I was done and everything put away, she looked at me, looked at the door and headed right through it without hesitation. She then proceeded to spend the next 3 nights out in the garage. Mission accomplished.
Shop: The shop is done. I know you are saying to yourself, "Wasn't that done a month ago?" The final touches have been a sink and the most valuable item on any house, the window screens.
House: Still lots to do here in the way of moving in. There are still about 20 boxes out in the garage that I am afraid to open because it will just mean work! My computer still sits in pieces on the floor. The theater room is all about storing the stuff we have not dealt with yet, and nothing to do with watching a movie.
Garage: With the impending arrival of cold weather Deb and I finally cleared out the garage enough to admit all of the vehicles! I must say that since this is the first time in my life I actually have garage parking privileges, it is nice.
Us: We are both feeling well with no apparent issues. Deb is getting comfortable with her new job and I am staying busy as usual with mine.
Yard: The grass is coming up in the back yard! While it is no work of lawn art, containing many weeds and bare spots, the "Grass Man" recently visited us and sprayed for weeds and put down another layer of seed. We will wait and see.
The Gravity Express
Line Rider
Only after you have had your fun is it safe to watch the movie below!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
New Toys: Snowmobiles!

This is for who ever wants to go snowmobiling with us!
Well, now that we're living in Idaho and most of the water that falls from the sky comes down in the form of snow... We thought it would be a good idea to get some snowmobiles. Some friends of ours are sadly moving away to a place where snowmobiling would be difficult at best. This change of scenery forced them to make the very tough decision to sell their snow loving toys. Deb and I expressed interest in purchasing them, went over and took a look, and the rest is history. We plan on selling our current ATV trailer and getting a new one that will support the sleds in the winter and the ATV's in the summer. After that, all that is left to do, is wait for SNOW!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Internet Explorer 7 Released!
Internet Explorer 7 provides security through a robust new architecture, security features that help defend against malicious software (also known as malware), and new ways to better protect against the theft of personal data from fraudulent websites, a practice known as phishing.
Internet Explorer 7 has improved support for cascading style sheets, a rich RSS feeds platform, and robust tools for deploying and managing Internet Explorer 7 in large enterprise environments.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
It's Been Two Years!
It has been up for 2 years!
Do You Live In The Smartest State?
For the second year in a row, an annual smartest-state ranking puts Arizona in the No. 50 spot.
The list is compiled by Morgan Quitno Press, a private research and publishing company in Kansas that also puts out annual rankings on the most livable, safest and healthiest states.
In the smart-state ranking, Vermont comes in at the top, followed by Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and Maine.
Arizona is at the bottom, preceded by Nevada, Mississippi, California and Alaska.
View the full list of rankings.
The ratings are based on 21 elementary and secondary education indicators, ranging from graduation rates and test scores to teacher pay and class size.
"Vermont performs very well in a number of important areas of education," said Scott Morgan, president of Morgan Quitno Press, in a news release. "A high percentage of the state’s students are proficient in reading and math. In addition, class sizes are small and the number of teachers per student is among the lowest in the nation."
Human Species 'May Split In Two'
Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass to emerge.
The human race would peak in the year 3000, he said - before a decline due to dependence on technology.
People would become choosier about their sexual partners, causing humanity to divide into sub-species, he added.
The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the "underclass" humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor RC
This small software tool will scan your computer and create an easy-to-understand report of all known system, device, and program compatibility issues, and recommend ways to resolve them. Upgrade Advisor can also help you choose the edition of Windows Vista that best fits the way you want to use your computer.
Should Everest Be Closed?
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
How Do Planes Avoid Colliding?
By Daniel Engber
Download the MP3 audio version of this story here, or sign up for The Explainer's free daily podcast on iTunes.
The Brazilian courts ordered the detention of two American pilots on Monday, a few days after the jet they were flying crashed into a passenger liner over the Amazon jungle. Interviews with the pilots may help explain how the accident occurred, even though both planes were outfitted with automatic collision-avoidance systems. What's a collision-avoidance system?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Our Lake Is Complete!

Did Costco Get A Fountain?

The tool in the guys hand works the emergency shut off valve.

There was a ton of water that flowed down the streets in all directions.