Tuesday, September 30, 2014

10 Awesome Ways To Season Steak

Summer may be over, but that doesn't mean steak season has to be. As we trade our grills in for stove tops, we also re-open ourselves to a whole world of opportunity, courtesy of our fridges and kitchen cabinets. From herbs to citrus fruits to spices, there are countless ingredients we can toss into tasty steak rubs and marinades that go beyond plain salt and pepper (not that good ol' New York style isn't delicious as well).

Once again, we've asked our friend Chef Frank Deloach to help us think of 10 exceptional ways to season steak to add flavor without adding fat. Directions? Combine ingredients, rub all over your gorgeously marbled beef slabs (think Ribeye, Strip and Sirloin) and pop it in the fridge (two hours max) to soak up all those beautiful flavors. Cook in cast-iron skillet to desired doneness. Easy peasy. Tip: For the juiciest steak possible, salt your beef after you’ve cooked it.

The Details Are As Follows...

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