Sunday, March 27, 2011

Have I Missed Anything?

I am on yet another flight to somewhere. Next to me sits a young man glued to his Mac Book Pro watching one of the many popular television series. I think it's Glee.

Seeing this has me thinking. I've never been a big fan of television.

When I say this, I really mean it. I have NEVER watched Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, Three and a half men, Lost, Dexter, Weeds, The Sopranos, Oprah, Who wants to be a millionaire, Jersey Shore... You get the idea.

And Just so you really understand, I've maybe seen 10 episodes total of Friends and Siendfeld combined.

If I do watch television it's some type of documentary or 'How To' program. Maybe 3 hours a week?

As I sit here doing some quick math against the national average of watched television, I'm a freak! The average daily intake of television here in the United States is Almost 4 Hours a day! A persons exposure to ads (if they don't posses a DVR) is one and a half hours a day!

-According to the A.C. Nielsen Co. the average American watches 3 hours and 46 minutes of TV each day (that's more than 52 days of nonstop TV-watching per year).

Amazing waste of time.

Location:33,000 feet over Denver


chasworth said...

TV is a "mindless escape".
The only really great show available is "Swamp People".

Anonymous said...

Rick... Your subscription to
TV Guide is in the mail. DG