Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Mango Smoothie

Wednesday I was waiting for a plane in Ontario, California and thought it would be nice to grab myself a Mango Smoothie! I arrived at the counter with a smile, only to be rejected with "We out of Mango." The pressure mounted as I had no back up flavor in mind and finally blurted out "Pineapple." I decided to throw in an apple fritter also, you know, in case there was not enough sugar in the smoothie. I watched as frozen yogurt, bananas, and blue berries where blended in with the pineapple juice. Mmmmmm.

With smoothie and fritter in hand I made myself comfortable and had myself some breakfast. With the fritter gone and the smoothie half way to empty, disaster struck. I reached down to the cup and while lifting it up from the floor (there are no tables in airports) the lid slipped off and the smoothie splatted to the floor. I did a body check and was relieved to find that said frozen drink did not appear to have landed on me and proceeded to do my best quick clean up. I only managed to spread the brown with dark chunks paste around on the carpet worse than the original spill. Being a responsible adult, I did the right thing and headed over to the flight check-in desk and alerted the attendant of my accident; she called for a clean up. I then headed back to the spill site to wait for the cleaning person and make sure no one slipped in my mess.

As I stood there straining to see down the corridor for a person with a mop, it happened. A lady comes around the corner, looks at the mess on the floor, looks at me and recoils in disgust. She turns away, does a double take and shakes her head. It then dawns on me... she thinks I puked! I look down, and with the picture drawn for me by the passing woman I can now see the congealed pile of barf that obviously came from me. I had already dumped the cup and lid leaving only the nasty smoothie at my feet. A whole series of people now enter the "accident" scene. Each one make a different face and finding a seat as far away from me as they can! I mumble something about smoothie but know I am just making it worse. I'm red in the face, hot, but I hold out for the maintenance person.

Finally, the cleaning person arrives, she too makes a grimace that says "Why did I take this job!" I explain that I spilled my smoothie and she gives me the blank look that I know to mean "I don't speak English, so why don't you step away from the barf and let me get this over with!" I do. I grab my backpack and head to the men's room to wash my barf, I mean SMOOTHIE covered hand. I arrive at the sink and vigorously soap up my hands. I look up during the rinse.

There in the corner of my mouth is a large piece of sugar glaze from my fritter! Oh yea! What do you do? I licked it off, rinsed my hands, and headed back to wait for my plane.

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