Monday, February 28, 2005

Greetings From Japan!

Just landed in Tokyo - Narita Japan! Flew over on an Airbus A330, an very nice plane. My body knows it is almost 11pm at night and I still have 10 hours to go yet until I can hit the sack. I had dinner when I got on the plane, and breakfast right before I got off? I tried to sleep as I always do and onced again I just can't seem to do it! Coming into Japan is quite a site... dense packed houses and small fields for farms and everything goes right to the edge of the ocean. There are very large wind mills lining the beach to collect wind power and it is very dry here. I have 3 more hours here at the airport until I catch the next plane to Taipei, Taiwan. I have to look up how to spell that every time as it just is not easy to remember.

Seems very hot here in the United lounge, with lots of people eating and talking. Well I most go and see what strange food I can find and go and browse a shop or two. I will upload some photos as soon as I shoot some.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let me be the first to say si-a-nara, now i have to look that up everytime i spell it, bob