Saturday, October 23, 2004

Computer room is back in shape!

Alright, I saw an opportunity to clean the inside of my computer. Since the entire room was trashed, and I needed a break from real work so I cleaned the bad boy within an inch of its life. My Antec case has always had 2 USB and 1 FireWire port under a flap at the front, however I have never hooked them up. The problem was that the wires were all set up for separate pins and I couldn’t get my fat hands to the places on the motherboard to plug them in! I felt a pleasant calm wash over my body as I completed the vacuuming portion of my cleaning and I decided to try the wires and get the connections done once and for all. It worked. I must say that deciding what expensive item to plug into those ports for the first time to see if they worked or emitted a small puff of stinky blue smoke was not easy. I decided that a USB dongle was the cheapest item to risk on that port, and when forced to choose between the video camera and the iPod for the IEEE1394 the camera got the nod. No smoke, all worked, just thought you should know.

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