Sunday, October 17, 2004

The Begining

Well, here I sit in a dinky hotel room on a Sunday night in Temecula, CA! As I shift around in my cheap chair trying to keep my butt from falling asleep I begin my first Blog. I was listening to some music on the iPod, but find that I can not think of what to type and listen to Barry Manilow at the same time. I am not sure what one should convey with a blog? Should I tell you that I had tacos for dinner, that I have white socks and brown shoes on? Or maybe I should be more functional and advise you of the current weather conditions. I will settle on telling you of my desire to be home, as I have a bad case of the 'been there done that' right now and I could really use a teleportation machine. There, I did it, I clicked my (brown shoed) heels together three times and did the Judy Garland thing but nothing happened! Alas, I guess I best accept my fate and lay out the work clothes for tomorrows assult.


Rick Whitten said...

What was I thinking?! Bored one night in some cheap hotel, thought to myself, hmmm... I should try this Blog thing out! Little did I know it would become this all consuming Journal of my day to day life. I wonder if this will be around to look back on 10, 20 years from now. We'll see.

Rick Whitten said...

well here we are at 11 years later and I must admit that Z never thought this would go so long.